Saturday, July 12, 2008

They're home sorta

My boys are finally back home...except however, they're not all home right now.  Life goes on after Scout Camp. Peterman was invited to go to the Owlz Baseball game, and Dib is at a friends' house.  A bunch of friends are watching "Ferris Bueller" on  Clear play. Sounds fun. My Jeff is finally trying to relax.  He's had a long, but fun week.  I think he's relieved the Camp is over.  It's so nice to have them all back!!!  Wacky & Googla are having a hard time staying in bed...thirsty, hungry, bored...sound familiar? Lila & Clarence are reading,"Twilight" out loud.  Lila figured if they read 80 pages a day, they'll make it through the trilogy before the 4th book comes out.  We all love to read so much, it's hard to believe that Clarence doesn't care for it so much. Lila is trying to win her over to reading.  I hope it works, it'll make school so much easier for her if she could like reading better.  Any ideas out there?  I'm always open for suggestions.  They are enjoying the reading tonight, so that's good!  Now Jeff and I are enjoying "Showtunes Saturday Night".  It's really fun to guess the shows, tunes, singers... we'll do so as we wait for the boys to come home again.   :D


annzy said...

I love Show Tunes Saturday Night it is the best part of running errands on a Saturday night.

Anonymous said...

what you like show tunes saturday, weird so do i. do i know you?