Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday Thoughts

So what does it mean when I'm sitting in R.S. and I notice my chin aches. I felt like I had been smiling too long...and then that pain intensified and traveled from the right side of my jaw to the left. I could feel the pain "wave" across. I had to hold still and concentrate until the pain finally left. It's Weird. I thought--what does lockjaw feel like and WHY am I feeling this way. I'm not sure WHAT they were teaching at that point. That was interesting!!!! I'm guessing I should call and talk to my doctor tomorrow?! Maybe he'll tell me why my eye is (undetectable to others) annoying!

Yesterday Dibs took a portfolio of his ceramic work and some of his paintings to the Springville Art Museum. Colleges from all over the state were there meeting "Artsy" High School Seniors . He really enjoyed it. He has fun showing his work and talking about it. He really is good and I think he's impressive for being so young, and having a fine collection of art he's created.

(I think I'd better eat something. I was Visiting Teaching earlier when they had food.)

Have I mentioned how much I truly love Sundays!!!! It's busier in some ways than a weekday, but it's good busy!

Jeff gave talk today in Church about the new Family Search Program. He is so fun to listen to. He has an interesting approach and gets people laughing, but feeling the Spirit too. I Love my Jeff!


Mom said...

After checking out WebMD under radiating jaw pain I would say running by the Dr. probably wouldn't hurt anything. Or for sure if it happens again. Love you Much

Jonna said...

Did you go to the dr.? What did you find out?

Unknown said...

If you figure out the twitching eye thing let me know. Mine does that occasionally. No one else notices, but it drives me crazy.
Crazy thought *Maybe they do notice and they're just too nice to say anything, or maybe they're afraid because I look possessed when its twitching.*