Well, Papi did this project right before Easter & Spring Break. What used to be a window opening in the south wall of the computer room, is now a door opening. We've had the green house in place for years, but now it's usable. There is a deck--that he and Peterman constructed...Clarence thinks this is her tanning booth, Peterman thinks it's a conservatory where he can practice his cello. Dibs takes time with his guitar out there, as well as Lila with her computer.... The younger gals think it's a stage. It's fun to have, whatever the use. Thanks Papi!!!!
the $5.oo door installed--now time to install the deck...
walk straight out of the computer room &"on stage"...
looking up...our house of glass
The Rowes gave us cedar to put around the edges...pretty frame! Thanks!
It's nice to watch the weather from our glass room.