Saturday, May 16, 2009

"Second" 15th Birthday-- What a girl wants!

It was payday yesterday and Jeff & I were @ thing lead to another and it's "Happy Birthday" again to Clarence. (Deja vu.) Jeff handed her a small bag with a lock in it, and she looked at it and said, "Cool, I got a bike lock"...then the "light bulb turned on" she said "wait--is there a bike? Where is it?", and then she went on a hunt.  Lila got part of "the hunt" on her camera.  Hopefully this bike will stay around our house longer.  We've moved the rack to a more secluded location--harder (hopefully) for delinquents to access!

1 comment:

Nadine said...

She looks so cute and carefree riding her new bike in her dress and cardigan! Yea for new bikes!