Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Trivial, I know, but I wonder who will win American Idol Tonight.?  I was an Adam fan at the beginning, but as the season has gone along I'm liking Kris more.  Adam IS incredibly talented.  I'm appreciative that HE isn't forcing his "private persuasion" down our throats, it's the media talking it up that annoys me.  Kris will have a better chance at a long career if he comes in 1st.  Adam will have a career no matter what. Last year I was more anxious to find out the "winner".  I still think David Archuleta should've won, but he's done fine (and has more freedom) as a 2nd place winner.


The Mathews Family said...

Last night during the show I was telling Nate that it's clear the judges want Adam to win. But as was the case with the Clay/Reuben season... it's up to who gets the most votes. I agree with you that no matter what Adam will do well. My personal opinion though is that I like Adam's voice... but I don't think I could listen to a whole CD of it. I definitely could Kris'. I guess we'll see?!

Shellie said...

I personally think the bst ones come in 2nd to 5th and they're better off that way, gives them more freedom. I didn't even see one second of this round of idol, can you believe that?