Monday, May 11, 2009

the deck

Well, Papi did this project right before Easter & Spring Break.   What used to be a window opening in the south wall of the computer room, is now a door opening.  We've had the green house in place for years, but now it's usable.  There is a deck--that he and Peterman constructed...Clarence thinks this is her tanning booth, Peterman thinks it's a conservatory where he can practice his cello. Dibs takes time with his guitar out there, as well as Lila with her computer.... The younger gals think it's a stage.  It's fun to have, whatever the use.  Thanks Papi!!!!

the $5.oo door installed--now time to install the deck...

walk straight out of the computer room &"on stage"...

looking up...our house of glass
The Rowes gave us cedar to put around the edges...pretty frame!  Thanks!
It's nice to watch the weather from our glass room.


Anonymous said...

That looks so great! I will have to drive by and see:)

The Mathews Family said...

Can I come tanning with Clarence?

Ingrid said...

It's super awesome! I want to come hang out in it too, with a good book!