Thursday, August 14, 2008

It's Over

I decided to try & finish the book on August 13th (an important date in the story, in my estimation) before I went to sleep.  Mission accomplished. (Actually I finished @12:19--just after midnight--but it was still the 13th to me, because I hadn't gone to sleep yet.)  I love/loved this series!!!

I sorta get bummed when I'm done with a book/series, especially when I have given so much time to it. (I read the all four books in a week and a day--all 2,592 glorious pages.)  I came to understand and love the characters...Edward & Bella are so right for each other.  I was won over by Jacob finally--after HOW many pages?!  He doesn't annoy me anymore.  I adore Alice.  It's weird, but she reminds me of someone I know, so maybe I won't have to miss her character.  I will probably reread the books.   I enjoyed the "Twilight Tales"---it's been fun to talk about the book with so many friends....It's almost like "world-wide book club". 

As a Mom I need to put in a disclaimer:  These books are NOT for your pre-teen crowd! My soon to be 10 year old is not allowed to read these, so if any of you SEE her reading them--stop her, and call me!  I'm not sure I'm comfortable knowing my 14 year old read these...but she was reading--that's good, right?

I have a copy of  "the Host"  on loan from a friend.  I think I'll read it--to see if I like Stephenie's writing beyond the Twilight Tales...or maybe I should try to read the Harry Potter books?  Shocker--I couldn't get into JKRowling's style of writing. I know for sure I'll be reading Mary Higgins Clark's latest book.  My  turn finally came up at the Library.   :D


The Mathews Family said...

Well I wish I would have known you were on the waiting list for that book. I buy all of MHC's books as soon as I see them on the shelves. Love her! You can borrow my copy if you'd like.

I think my biggest beef with SM the whole time I was reading was I was thinking about her being called to Young Women's or something and how she'd teach her YW all about how sharing a bedroom with a boyfriend is not appropriate. But it's okay to write about? Super judgmental, I know. *blush* Also, I'd like to try to convince any young 17 year old girl that the boyfriend that she is madly in love with isn't "the one" you're going to "throw away your soul for". 17 year old girls have such thick heads. I definitely agree with the not for pre-teen audience. I think if SM wasn't LDS I'd have enjoyed the books a whole lot more. I know... judge me... I'm horrible. ;-)

The Mathews Family said...

And I feel like I have to jump in here and say that not all 17 year old girls have thick heads. Just most of them! I of course, having had the thickest of them all. Oyyyy!

Becca Bell said...

I loved the books. I just finished the last one. I've also read The Host and loved it. It takes a while to get into it (about 150 pages) so be prepared, but it's worth it because it ends happily. I can't stand sad endings to books! I also agree with Jessica, 17 year-olds have thick heads. I know I had one when I was that age. I worry about my daughter getting crazy ideas about boys, but fortunately, she's not old enough for that...yet.