Saturday, August 2, 2008

more today

Jeff & I went to a funeral today.  The wife of one of Jeff's co-workers finally died after 8 or so years of battling cancer.  When we got home the kids were talking on the phone.  They were talking to Dib.  He was able to call and talk for a bit.  How Fun!!!  Tonight they were going to have a Chinese market.  He was preparing to sell caricatures.  They were to do their bartering and trading in Chinese.  I hope it was as fun as he imagined.

On another note.  Has anyone else noticed the stinky/foul air?  There is something growing and foaming in the gutter/old irrigation ditch.  Is this happening in the entire neighborhood?  Is it a by-product of dead animals or  stench related to WHAT? Is there a drug house dumping their gunk in the ditch?  Urp!  I wish the irrigation ditch could run again.  We had 'squitos, but not the stench!!! 

Tomorrow is Kristen's 27th Birthday.   We love her and Carlos!  They are so cool!!

ps--Shannon read "Breaking Dawn" in 11 1/2 hours.  Amber in around 13 1/2 hours....Lila & Clarence keep plugging on.  Good for them!

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