Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Happy EARLY Birthday to me

TOday the gals in "Title One" sang to me for my upcoming Birthday.  Lila and Dollie planned a party for me.  They all brought treats to share.  Somehow Lila make a fabulous cake and brought it to school without me knowing.  I shared my party with Cathy.  We welcomed her back after her recuperation.  These past few days I've been filling-in for Nanette, as she is in New York--it's unfair!  Next week I'll sub for Jennifer.  She's even more unfair...she's "unfairer"!!!  She's going to Hawaii--the Big Island.  I really do hope she has fun and that she and her husband will be kept safe.   I wish safety and well being for Nanette and her husband, too.  

THANKS, GRACIAS..and all that Jazz.  It was a fun surprise!  It was a good day!


The Mathews Family said...

"unfairer" lol! You make me laugh! Happy Early Birthday!!!

The Mathews Family said...

Happy Birthday TODAY!!!! Hope you're getting pampered like you deserve!