Well. I should be sewing more on the "Penelope" coat, but my thoughts aren't allowing me to sit still...I'm going to vote tomorrow--early. I know people are caught up in the romanticism of CHANGE... WE NEED CHANGE.
I agree things need to change, but I'm convinced that the one who professes to be a type of "Messiah of Change" (Obama) wants our country to CHANGE too much. He flat out wants Socialism. Redistribution of wealth---since when is it fair to work by the sweat of ones brow and because one makes enough money for ones needs and more, that that excess be taken
from one and given to someone who doesn't have the same amount of $--most likely someone who isn't a citizen or someone who isn't interested in working to take care of himself. People who earn $ need to be able to have the free agency to use their earned $ how
they see fit. They need to be able to choose
if they want to share, with whom, and they even need to be able to have the freedom to NOT share. So that's one thing that bugs me...
Don't even get me started on the topic of Abortion. THAT is reason enough to vote against Obama's party which happens to agree, in it's basic platform, with Abortion...
Yes, I'm voting for McCain. Obama is "hip and cool" and no doubt a nice guy. He seems swell. But does that qualify him for the most important/influential position in the world? McCain actually has spent his life in the service of our country. Obama has served 4 years as a Senator--2 of them hardly count because he's been on the campaign trail for 2 years....
My words aren't words of a learned person, but I know what is right "for me and my house"...I'll vote in accordance with that. That is what is so wonderful about our country--freedom to choose...may we never be fooled into squandering away the precious fought-for-freedom, because someone seems "hip and cool".
My dear sister-in-law, I don't support Obama or McCain. But really, what happened to the Millie I used to know when you were a teenager, so inquisitive, so full of questions, so full of a desire to know the truth, and willing to consider that what you were told ought to be examined and confirmed by the truth and your own experience. Remember the discussions we used to have on the way to In A Tub?
The idea that Barack Obama is a socialist is just ridiculous. It's an affront to people who really do believe in socialism, like me. Even John McCain answered "no" to Larry King the other night when asked if he really believes Obama is a socialist.
Why, then, does the McCain campaign make this claim again and again. It is meant to scare people. You're better than to fall for it.
The "socialism" they are trying to get you to be afraid of is the progressive (i.e., the more you earn, the more you pay) income tax, which -- by the way -- was introduced in this country by McCain's hero, Teddy Roosevelt. If you think that is socialism, then I encourage you to stop paying income tax immediately! You don't want to be a socialist -- well, then, walk the walk. But remember, those taxes pay for that nice irrigation ditch running down your street, the pavement on the road in front of your house, the fire department that rushes to your door in an emergency, the bridges and roads and all the infrastructure that make it possible for you to drive from Provo to Kansas City to visit your mom and dad, and so on, and so on. If that's socialism, and you hate socialism, stop paying for it. And do so publicly -- just as publicly as you proclaim the idea that Obama is a socialist.
Think about your suggestion, that Americans "be able to choose if they want to share, with whom, and they even need to be able to have the freedom to NOT share." Do you really mean that? Do you realize that you are advocating not paying any taxes if you don't want to pay. Well, should we be able to choose to pay the portion of our taxes that go to schools but not to the military? Or the portion that goes for infrastructure but not subsidies for corporations? Or not pay at all? Think carefully about what you advocate, and then if you really mean it live according to your words. Be willing to face the consequences. Perhaps each time a non-taxpayer pulls out of the driveway at home she or he ought to pay a specific fee to use the road at the end of that driveway?
I love you, Millie, and wish all the best for you. That includes that you keep your mind active and inquisitive. I'm not saying to vote for Obama or McCain -- I will vote for neither. But however you make your choice, do it with a sharp mind, not because people scared you into choosing on the basis of a falsehood. -- Scott
Thanks for your comments Scott. In no way am I advocating not paying taxes. I just think it's unfair to overtax the rich, just because they're rich and have "excess funds". I do appreciate all the taxes do for me and my family--police & fire protection, roads and so on... As I said, I'm not learned, but I do know that it feels wrong to vote for someone who will take away freedom of choice-for the "better good of the people".
Flat taxes.
We definitely have a system of Higher income, higher tax burden. However-like most everything else in government,it is all out of proportion. I like Steve Forbes ideas. By the way, Jamille I absolutely LOVE the Penelope coat.
Amen, Sister!
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