Monday, November 10, 2008

first fill up.....

the receipt from the first fill up with the natural gas converter in our car. yay $6.38 for a full tank of gas.


Anonymous said...

So how soon can we expect you in Missouri? We have been equally excited over 1.79 a gal. But ypu definitely have that topped.

Anonymous said...

I am not at all anonymous. Just a lousy typist. I love you. Mom

The Mathews Family said...

Holy Cow! Is that on your van????? Holy Cow!!!!

Ingrid said...

Woohoo! (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's CNG tank, thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's CNG tank....")


Shellie said...

HOW do I get one? That is amazing! Hope you do get to Missouri for a visit with that gas tank now!