Sunday, November 30, 2008

oh so thankful

Wow---that week went fast!  It was great to have Jeff's  sister (Emi) and her family (Micah, Daniel & Phebe) in town.  We shared a lot of meals and fun times!  I wish other siblings lived close enough to see so often.  Jennifer & David live in Nephi, so we see them every month or so, but I long for a closer family relationship...that's where Ingrid & Norm and their family come into the picture....we love being around all of them, and are thankful to have them so close! 

It's crazy that tomorrow is 1 December.  Where did this past year go?  Yes, half the year I was a crazed American Idol addict, and then I became a Twilighter when AI there you have it. I've made several baby quilts this year. In the middle in there somewhere the Stake got realigned and I was without a calling, and then given the same one again....and then there was the whole Cub Scout fiasco.  And the Gingerbread festival & Stake/Ward council & Conferences... and Primary Programs to watch.  My wonderful parents and 2 of my fabulous brothers came to visit...a charming nephew got married... I subbed at school, and made a little money.... As I think about the year, I guess it has been long afterall... a long fast/fast long.  Weird, but oh so good.

I am so very Thankful to Heavenly Father who has put wonderful people in my life, in my path.  I've learned so much from them, and I am amazed at/by them!  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

not to mention half the year you've had to deal with my gimpness & broken foot junk. thanks so much and sorry. hopefully i will know what the whole point of that (this) was (is) someday.