Last night I tossed a milk carton and some cans in our recycling bin when I was on my way to the van to resume my Taxi Mom duties, and a bee caught my eye. Actually several did. I glanced from whence came the bee: the forsythia bush at the end of the driveway. Then I saw it. The swarmy hivey cluster. The cluster was about the size of a 4.5 quart Kitchenaid mixing bowl. Weird.surreal.amazing. Ingrid, Shannon and Julia were walking by at about the same time I discovered the un"bee"lievable treat (I had to do that at least once). I had them come look at it. The swarm was kinda hidden from the sidewalk passersby, but VERY visible from the driveway side. We had a very good chat that became an hour long+ discussion. It was a needed chat and very welcome...and it was good. I thank Heavenly Father for making it all line up just exactly right for the conversation to take place. Things like bees relocating don't happen by coincidence...and friends walking by just at the right time...and Claire needing a ride right then...and me recycling right then...
This might sound crazy but I do believe the Lord is the master "orchestrater" of all things. Things come together not by happenchance. He's there when you need Him---and He knows when you need Him before you He IS there when you need Him...
This all makes sense to me. Thanks Heavenly Father for "beeing" there for me!!!!!
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